Business Resiliency

Bonnie CanalNews, Thought Leadership

As a small business owner, I sometimes wonder what I have gotten myself into. Can you relate? I have been an entrepreneur for many years and I have struggled to keep myself positive and proactive even in the face of major adversity.  I thought nothing bad could happen to me, until it did. I had a successful business then on August 23, 2005, my … Read More

Creating the “Habit of Resiliency”

Bonnie CanalNews, Thought Leadership

 Individual resilience includes nuances that readiness does not.Because I live in New Orleans, we tend to think of readiness as Hurricane Preparedness. It is during this time that we are constantly reminded of what we must do to be prepared if/when the next big one comes. So for 6 months out of the year we prepare ourselves by stocking our bottled water, canned foods and … Read More

History of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program

Bonnie CanalNews, Thought Leadership

The CERT program started in Los Angeles, California before making its journey across the United States and abroad. Officials from LA traveled to Japan in February of 1985 to study its disaster response plans. The team discovered that Japan had extensive training programs that were neighborhood-based, focusing on fire suppression, light search and rescue operations, first aid, or evacuation. The LA group traveled to Mexico … Read More